
Low dimensional actions of 3-manifold groups


Mon 4 Tue 5 Wed 6 Thu 7 Fri 8
9:00-10:30 Reception (8:45-9:15)

An introduction to 3-manifolds 1
Luisa Paoluzzi (9:15-10:45)
Flows and foliations in 3-manifolds 2
Harry Baik
Orderability of 3-manifold groups 3
Steve Boyer
An introduction to 3-manifolds 3
Luisa Paoluzzi
An introduction to arithmetic lattices 3
Antonin Guilloux
10:30-10:45 Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break
10:45-11:45 Flows and foliations in 3-manifolds 1
Harry Baik
Orderability of 3-manifold groups 2
Steve Boyer
An introduction to 3-manifolds 2
Luisa Paoluzzi
An introduction to arithmetic lattices 2
Antonin Guilloux
Pseudo-Anosov surfaces in 3-manifolds
Michel Boileau
11:45-14:00 Lunch break Lunch break Lunch Lunch break Lunch
14:00-15:30 Orderability of 3-manifold groups 1
Steve Boyer
An introduction to arithmetic lattices 1
Antonin Guilloux
Free afternoon
Flows and foliations in 3-manifolds 3
Harry Baik
15:30-16:30 Coffee and discussions Coffee and discussions Coffee and discussions
16:30-17:30 Is the free group profinitely rigid?
Alan Reid
Identities for hyperconvex Anosov representations
Yan Mary He
Orbital equivalence classes of Anosov flows on circle bundles over surfaces
Thierry Barbot

Université de Bourgogne
Institut de Mathématiques de Bourgogne (UMR CNRS 5584)
Région Bourgogne-Franche-Comté
Korea Institute for Advanced Study
Samsung Science and Technology Foundation (SSTF-BA3301-06)
Projet ANR Gromeov (ANR-19-CE40-0007)

uB CNRS rbfc KIAS sstf ANR